Tag Archives: holidays

Monday Musings: Forlorn On The Fourth Of July

We have a fun July 4th celebration in our little town. It’s a university town, and a somewhat affluent one at that, especially when compared with the surrounding communities. And so we attract a lot of visitors. There are games … Continue reading

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Monday Musings: Holiday Wishes

This will be brief. We have had our girls in for the holiday, though Winter Storm Elliott very nearly kept our younger daughter in Denver for the weekend. We have managed the cold and kept the house warm with fires … Continue reading

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Monday Musings: My Father’s Present

I write about my father a lot in this blog. Last year at this time, I wrote a long tribute to him commemorating what would have been his one hundred and second birthday. I write about my mother as well … Continue reading

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Monday Musings: A Tree and a Post — It’s Not About What You Think It Is, Or Is It?

This post probably isn’t about what you think it is. Nancy and I are nearing the end of what has been an exhausting and at times terribly difficult year. I won’t catalogue our burdens because they are, frankly, no worse … Continue reading

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Monday Musings: The Two Best Holiday Gifts I’ve Gotten. Ever.

The holidays are upon us, and chances are you — like me, like everyone I know — have been caught up in the spirit of gift-giving. We want to find those perfect presents for the people we love most. We … Continue reading

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Wednesday Musings: Thanksgiving and Some People To Thank

The past couple of years, usually on the Monday of this calendar week, I have written about Thanksgiving — last year a catalogue of all the things for which I’m thankful (the list still holds), and the year before, ahead … Continue reading

Posted in Belle Books, Family, food, Friendship, Fun, kids, parenting, Radiants, Writing, Writing Life | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Wednesday Musings: Thanksgiving and Some People To Thank

Monday Musings: Hate Has No Place In Thanksgiving

I had fully intended to write a fairly typical Thanksgiving week post — things I’m thankful for, what the holiday means to me, etc. I can’t now. Because once again, America is killing its own. This weekend, a quick perusal … Continue reading

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Monday Musings: Memories of Halloweens Past

We live in a small subdivision outside of our little college town. Our neighborhood consists of maybe eighteen houses, only a handful of them with young children. I bring this up today because it’s Halloween and while usually I find … Continue reading

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Monday Musings: Fireworks and My Environmental Hypocrisy Explained

The first fireworks display I remember with any clarity came on a Fourth of July when I was three or four years old. My family had gone to the park in town where the fireworks displays took place each year, … Continue reading

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Professional Wednesday: Stop Writing

Here’s some writing advice for today, three days before Christmas: Stop trying to write and go spend time with someone you love. I am all about BIC — put your Butt In the Chair. Writing, like exercise or playing a … Continue reading

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