Tag Archives: music

Monday Musings: Me And My Guitar…

Me and my guitar, Always in the same mood; I am mostly flesh and bones, And he is mostly wood. Never does grow impatient For the changes I don’t know, no; If he can’t go to heaven, Maybe I don’t … Continue reading

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Monday Musings Potpourri: Travel, Music, Soccer

I’ve taken a couple of weeks off from the blog recently — a week here, a week there. When I came back to the blog after all that happened last year, I chose to do so on my own terms. … Continue reading

Posted in Family, food, Friendship, Fun, kids, Music, nature, Sports, travel | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Monday Musings Potpourri: Travel, Music, Soccer

Monday Musings: The Hypothetical Musings of a Hypothetical Stoner, Offered Hypothetically…

This will come as a surprise to none of you, but I was a stoner when I was in high school. And college. And for a good part of graduate school. I am fine with revealing this, because, while I … Continue reading

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Monday Musings (On Tuesday): Feeling the Loss of Jimmy Buffett

The news of Jimmy Buffett’s death this past weekend, hit me surprisingly hard, and I am still trying to figure out why. Buffett, the “Roguish Bard of Island Escapism,” as the New York Times called him in an online obituary, … Continue reading

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Monday Musings: A Letter To My Younger Self

Dear Younger Me, Yes, that’s really our hairline now. Calm down. It’s not— Would you please calm down? Thank you. What did you expect? Seriously. Dad was bald. Bill and Jim had lost their hair by the time they were … Continue reading

Posted in Business of publishing, Family, Friendship, Fun, kids, parenting, Writing, Writing Life | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Monday Musings: A Letter To My Younger Self

Monday Musings: Joni Mitchell and the Creative Journey

Recently, I have been reading a biography of Joni Mitchell (a holiday gift from my older daughter), a long-time favorite of mine and, in my opinion, the finest songwriter in the history of rock and roll (more on that shortly). … Continue reading

Posted in Business of publishing, Music, Novels, Publishing, Thieftaker, Writing, Writing Life | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Monday Musings: Joni Mitchell and the Creative Journey

Monday Musings: What Matters? Part V — Frivolity and the Importance of Things That Don’t Matter

For all of January, I have been writing about “what matters” and what doesn’t. I’ve written about this in terms of our personal lives and our professional ones. And I fear I have left readers with the impression that, in … Continue reading

Posted in Family, Friendship, Fun, kids, movies, Music, nature, photography | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Monday Musings: What Matters? Part V — Frivolity and the Importance of Things That Don’t Matter

Monday Musings: What Matters? Part I

When I was a kid, I always had an Etch A Sketch. Honestly, I’m not sure why. I sucked at it. I didn’t have the patience or the dexterity to create anything of quality on that silver-gray screen. I tried … Continue reading

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Monday Musings: The Two Best Holiday Gifts I’ve Gotten. Ever.

The holidays are upon us, and chances are you — like me, like everyone I know — have been caught up in the spirit of gift-giving. We want to find those perfect presents for the people we love most. We … Continue reading

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Monday Musings: Remembering My Brother Bill

Five years ago this week, my family—spouse and kids, brother and sister and their families, cousins—gathered in northern Massachusetts to say goodbye to my oldest brother, Bill, who had passed away earlier in the year after a brief, intense battle … Continue reading

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