Tag Archives: fun

Monday Musings: Me And My Guitar…

Me and my guitar, Always in the same mood; I am mostly flesh and bones, And he is mostly wood. Never does grow impatient For the changes I don’t know, no; If he can’t go to heaven, Maybe I don’t … Continue reading

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Monday Musings: Old Dog, New Trick

It has long been said that canines of a certain age are incapable of mastering new tricks. As a proverbial long-in-the-tooth pooch myself, I thought it might be amusing to test the cliché. And, as it happens, I have a … Continue reading

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Monday Musings: The Tyranny of Clocks and Calendars

Many years ago — more than a decade, which boggles my mind just a little — Nancy, Erin, and I went down to Monteverde, Costa Rica, to visit Alex, who was taking the first semester of her junior year in … Continue reading

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Monday Musings: The Hypothetical Musings of a Hypothetical Stoner, Offered Hypothetically…

This will come as a surprise to none of you, but I was a stoner when I was in high school. And college. And for a good part of graduate school. I am fine with revealing this, because, while I … Continue reading

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Monday Musings: Confessions Of A Boring Old Guy

A few weeks ago, while we were vacationing in Colorado, I got high. When I was young — high school, college, and into grad school, I used to get high a lot. Too much, probably. But upon marrying Nancy and … Continue reading

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Monday Musings: Digital Technology, Ansel Adams, and the Joy of Modern Photography

As I mentioned in a post last week, Nancy and I just spent a week and a half out in Colorado, seeing our girls, hiking, and unwinding. It was a good trip, and, as is my wont, I spent a … Continue reading

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Monday Musings (On Tuesday): Our Family Trip

As I write this, we are winging our way back home after a week and a half in the mountains of Colorado, west of Colorado Springs. Nancy and I rented a house in a little town called Florissant, just a … Continue reading

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Monday Musings: A Letter To My Younger Self

Dear Younger Me, Yes, that’s really our hairline now. Calm down. It’s not— Would you please calm down? Thank you. What did you expect? Seriously. Dad was bald. Bill and Jim had lost their hair by the time they were … Continue reading

Posted in Business of publishing, Family, Friendship, Fun, kids, parenting, Writing, Writing Life | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Monday Musings: A Letter To My Younger Self

Monday Musings: Places I Want To Visit

As spring begins and summer looms, I find myself thinking more and more about travel. I already have a couple of trips planned for a bit later in the year — a trip to Denver, Colorado and Laramie, Wyoming in … Continue reading

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Monday Musings: About That Birthday I Was Dreading

“You want to complain about a birthday?” Life said. “I’ll give you a birthday to complain about.” Last week, as usual, I wrote two posts. On Monday, I ruminated about my approaching birthday, making it clear that I was feeling … Continue reading

Posted in cooking, Family, food, Friendship, Fun, kids, nature, parenting, Writing, Writing Life | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Monday Musings: About That Birthday I Was Dreading