Tag Archives: mental health

Monday Musings: Very Special Tattoos

While our older daughter, Alex, was sick with cancer, she continued to live her life with passion and exuberance, in defiance of the disease, the treatments, the fear, the injustice of a cruel and arbitrary illness. She traveled, she spent … Continue reading

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Monday Musings: A Wonderful Return To Convention-ing

I spent this past weekend at ConCarolinas in Charlotte, reconnecting with fans, colleagues, and friends. And it was great. The last con I attended was DragonCon at the end of August/beginning of September 2023, before the fall and all that … Continue reading

Posted in Appearances, Business of publishing, Friendship, Fun, Publicity, Publishing, Writing Life | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Monday Musings: A Wonderful Return To Convention-ing

Monday Musings: “What’s Next?” Well, How About Some Big News?

“When I ask ‘What’s Next?’ it means I’m ready to move on to other things. So, what’s next?” — Jed Barlet, THE WEST WING Yeah, I will seek out almost any excuse to quote from The West Wing, it being … Continue reading

Posted in Business of publishing, Ethan Kaille, Family, Friendship, History, Novels, Publishing, Thieftaker, travel, Urban Fantasy, Writing, Writing Life | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Monday Musings: “What’s Next?” Well, How About Some Big News?

Monday Blues: The Hardest Birthday

Yes, another post about our daughter and our loss. A part of me shies from this, wonders if I have written about her too much. “Write something upbeat,” I tell myself. “Something funny, something — anything — that isn’t about … Continue reading

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Monday Musings: The Tyranny of Clocks and Calendars

Many years ago — more than a decade, which boggles my mind just a little — Nancy, Erin, and I went down to Monteverde, Costa Rica, to visit Alex, who was taking the first semester of her junior year in … Continue reading

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Monday Musings: The Emotional Challenge of Writing

Whenever I work with writers who are at the outsets of their careers — whether I’m editing their work for freelance or for an anthology, or teaching them in a workshop, or just talking shop on a convention panel — … Continue reading

Posted in Business of publishing, Family, Fantasy, kids, Novels, parenting, Publishing, The Chalice War, Writing, Writing Life | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Monday Musings: The Emotional Challenge of Writing

Happy New Year and a Musings Post Celebrating Grief (Yep!)

For years now, I have written New Year’s posts, often more than one per holiday. In December, I have often taken stock of the year that’s ending, evaluating my accomplishments, examining my disappointments, trying to make sense of an entire … Continue reading

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Tuesday Musings (Yeah, I Know…): Another (Brief) Update

I’ve started this post several times, only to flame out after a few lines. The truth is, I have nothing I want to write. I am in New York again, staying with my older daughter, doing what I can to … Continue reading

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Monday Musings: Family Update

We are in New York this weekend — an impromptu trip to help our older daughter who is suffering through some rough side-effects after her most recent treatments. We are dealing with a lot right now. Her most of all. … Continue reading

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Monday Musings: A Walk in the Rain, and a Quest for Solace

This is one of those weeks when I really have no idea what to write. The idea of the Monday Musings posts is that I compose something based on what I’m thinking about. But this week . . . well, … Continue reading

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