Tag Archives: appearances

Monday Musings: A Wonderful Return To Convention-ing

I spent this past weekend at ConCarolinas in Charlotte, reconnecting with fans, colleagues, and friends. And it was great. The last con I attended was DragonCon at the end of August/beginning of September 2023, before the fall and all that … Continue reading

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Professional Wednesday: DragonCon and Professional Community

I am back from DragonCon, and I have a shortened week in which to get done a great deal, so today’s post will be fairly brief. Mostly, I want to say thank you — to the convention organizers, who did … Continue reading

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Professional Wednesday: Heading To DragonCon!

This coming weekend, I will be in Atlanta for DragonCon, the annual highlight of my professional calendar. For those of you unfamiliar with the phenomenon known as DragonCon, it is a huge convention that takes over Atlanta’s Peachtree Center every … Continue reading

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Professional Wednesday: What Matters Professionally? Part III — Appearances

Continuing my series of posts about “what matters” in the realm of professional publishing, I thought I would focus today on what matters during our public appearances. Attending conventions and writers’ conferences and workshops is an important part of being … Continue reading

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Monday Musings: Additional Thoughts On Writing and Teaching

After a wonderful weekend at the Hampton Roads Writers Workshop (kudos to Lauran Strait and all those who helped her make the conference such a success), I am reminded again of why I love to teach writing, to talk about … Continue reading

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Monday Musings (On Tuesday): Back From DragonCon

I have spent this past weekend at DragonCon, catching up with friends, meeting new people, and returning an air of normalcy to my professional calendar. To be honest, I went into the weekend a bit reluctantly. I was excited to … Continue reading

Posted in Appearances, Business of publishing, Friendship, Publicity, Publishing, Urban Fantasy, Writing, Writing Life | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Monday Musings (On Tuesday): Back From DragonCon

My Schedule for DragonCon 2022!

The last time I was at DragonCon was Labor Day Weekend, 2018. For years, Dragon was the centerpiece of my annual professional schedule, the convention to which I most looked forward each year. In 2019, though, with WorldCon in Dublin, … Continue reading

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Monday Musings: Thoughts About My Upcoming Appearance at JordanCon

This coming weekend, I will be attending JordanCon in Atlanta. There I will see many friends — colleagues as well as fans. I will sell some books, talk about writing, both on panels and informally over drinks and meals, and … Continue reading

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My Schedule For DragonCon!

I am delighted to present my schedule for DragonCon, which begins on Friday in Atlanta. I will be appearing as D.B. Jackson (and that’s how I’m listed in the program), but will be talking about work written under both of … Continue reading

Posted in Appearances, Business of publishing, Novels, Publicity, Publishing, Reading, Writing, Writing Life | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on My Schedule For DragonCon!

DragonCon, Here I Come . . . Again

This is one of those announcements that I just love to make: I am very pleased to say that I have been invited back to DragonCon as a guest (as D.B. Jackson, but I’ll be there promoting my work as … Continue reading

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