Tag Archives: January 6 Insurrection

Monday Musings: The Cost of Political Violence

We are officially through the looking glass. In the wake of the apparent attempt to assassinate Donald Trump over the weekend, the RIGHT is now accusing the LEFT of instigating stochastic terrorism against the MAGA movement. For those of you … Continue reading

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Monday Musings: Showing 2021 The Door

A year ago, as 2020 was winding down and the nation was exhausted from months of lockdowns and economic devastation, from a disturbingly divisive Presidential campaign, and from the anti-democratic rantings and tantrums of our then Sore-Loser-In-Chief, I wrote a … Continue reading

Posted in Family, History, kids, Novels, Politics, Publishing, Writing, Writing Life | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Monday Musings: Showing 2021 The Door

Monday Musings: Beyond Impeachment

I really didn’t want to write another Monday Musings post about Donald Trump. I would like to be shot of him, just like a majority of the country. And (this is Washington’s dirty little secret) just like a majority of … Continue reading

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