Happy Monday, readers! Hope you had a great holiday. I did, and now I’m psyched for tomorrow’s release of A Plunder of Souls, the third book in the Thieftaker Chronicles. The Summer 2014 Plunder of Souls Blog Tour stops off today at the SciFiChick site and at Aidan Moher’s “A Dribble of Ink.”
My essay at “A Dribble of Ink” is about trying to balance the need for historical authenticity with the equally compelling need to write books that resonate with a twenty-first century audience. It’s called “Hey! You Got Your 21st Century in My Historical Authenticity,” and I hope you enjoy it.
With the SciFiChick, I am talking about combining fictional and historical aspects of storytelling in my Thieftaker books, in a post called “Making Historical Fiction Lasagna.” And with this post there is a giveaway: Enter the drawing on the site and you might be one of three lucky winners to receive a hardcover copy of A Plunder of Souls. So visit the site, check out the post, and maybe win a book!