Photo Friday: Rain-fed Streams

Sometimes we take photos for the sake of art, other times to commemorate events – times with loved ones, special occasions, etc.

And on occasion we snap pictures simply to document something unusual. This week’s Friday Photos are of this last sort.

My brother and sister-in-law came to stay with us for a few days this week, and their visit coincided with soaking rains, thunderstorms, and flash flooding. These two streams, in the woods just below the top of the Cumberland Plateau, usually flow as trickles. By midsummer, they sometimes dry up entirely. Yesterday, they were torrents, their waters frothing, their roars filling the forest. The photos don’t do them justice. But I promised to get out with my camera every week. This week, this was the best I could do.

Enjoy! And have a great weekend!

Stream 2, by David B. CoeStream 1, by David B. Coe

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